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BerandaBacarita40 days of Kanjuruhan Tragedy and Interfaith Prayers

40 days of Kanjuruhan Tragedy and Interfaith Prayers–It’s been 40 days since the Kanjuruhan tragedy killed 132 football supporters. Everyone is certainly grieving and does not forget that that day became a national disaster for Indonesia. On the 40th day, several interfaith communities prayed to show concern and spiritual support for the victims who died. Gusdurian Malang used this moment to gather to pray in an interfaith manner.

In addition, interfaith prayer strengthens the families of victims, injured supporters, and trauma survivors. Prayers tonight will unite us to rise to get justice and learn together. Violence in any form is not permitted to resolve the issue.

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Gusdurian, MDGS Bunga Lely Parish No. 17, Lowokwaru, Malang City, Malang City Religious Harmony Forum held a prayer together to commemorate 40 days of the Kanjuruhan tragedy on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Also present at the prayer commemorating 40 days of the Kanjuruhan tragedy were the Catholic priests of Malang diocese, Lowokwaru sub-district head, Dandim , interfaith leaders, sisters, and interfaith congregations. Their memories and hopes are the same. The community gets a bright spot for the incident and immediately gets the certainty of justice. They don’t want to be forgotten.

Cross-faith empathy

The series of interfaith prayers also coincided with the commemoration of Heroes’ Day. Several agendas were well presented, starting with music performances, poetry musicals, and religious lectures. The interfaith prayer and the commemoration of Hero’s Day are important events to remember and declare that the people of Malang are facing justice for the incident.

Romo Fajar Soekarno, as the representative of the Lowokwaru Bishop’s Parish stated, “This prayer forum is important to mobilize Gusdurian’s concern for mental impacts for the people of Malang.” This event should not be forgotten even though it is not lamenting that society has become fragile and reactive. On this Hero’s Day, Gusdurian and interfaith people try to strengthen the people of Malang to rise up and find new solutions for the world of Arema football.

Read also: Gusdurian Malang dan Tantangan Relationship Management

In addition, several artistic performances and poetry musicals were used as media to refuse to forget. Through their songs, they respond critically to the tragedy of Kanjuruhan. Through poetry, refusing to forget is conveyed artistically so that it is not expressed negatively but can encourage empathetic concern for many people.

The 40 days of the Kanjuruhan tragedy and Hero’s Day were enlivened by religious lectures on tolerance by KH. Irwandiato. Kanjuruan can be a lesson between destiny and police vigilance. It’s regrettable because it happened. But Arema must be optimistic that Malang football can still rise. This kyai, who has been a student of many religious leaders in Malang, also emphasized that tolerance is a force for mutual care and acceptance of different faiths and beliefs in the truth of each religion.

Praying together for 40 days of the Kanjuruhan tragedy manifests concern, a sense of fate, and rising in harmony and religious diversity in the city of Malang. Together, the City of Malang, can rise without the barriers of religious differences.

Mohammad Mahpur
Mohammad Mahpur
Ilmuan Psikologi Sosial, Peace Activist and Gusdurian Advisor, Writer, Pemberdaya Masyarakat dan Komunitas. Founder Kampus Desa Indonesia. Memberikan beberapa pelatihan gender, moderasi beragama, dan metodologi penelitian kualitatif, khusus pendekatan PAR


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